6-8-22 violent child sex offender to be released in fdl

The Fond du Lac  Police Department says a convicted  violent child sex offender is being placed in Fond du Lac County.  Richard  Wuest  has been granted supervised release and will be living at a Hickory Street residence near the county Highway Department garage.  In 1989 and in 1996, Wuest was convicted in Fond du Lac County of sexually assaulting two girls, ages nine and six that were known to him.  Wuest was ordered to be released on or before June 14.    Wuest will be receiving personal 24-7 on-site support care from a service provider and is unable to leave the residence for one year unless supervised by contract personnel.   Recently, Fond du Lac County placed a residential structure at the Fond du Lac County Highway Department. A significant amount of planning and discussion took place during this process and it was determined this location would not only meet Ch. 980 statutory requirements, but would also greatly reduce the likelihood of placement in residential areas within the county. This location also receives routine law enforcement presence as Sheriff’s Office personnel commonly conduct training near the residence and refuel their squads there multiple times a day.  Special Supervision Conditions:
1) Comply with requirements of lifetime Sex Offender Registration.
2) Comply with requirements of lifetime GPS monitoring.
3) Comply with rules established by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services. Additional resources including rule information can be found at https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/sr/resources.htm

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