9-17-21 st. agnes hospital president concerned about covid-19 hospitalizations

The St. Agnes Hospital president says the recent spike in COVID-19 patients is taking it’s toll.   Katherine Vergos says the hospital has seen a significant increase in the last few weeks.  Vergos says with the current spike in cases employees are worried about what is coming this fall, especially with flu season right around the corner.  “Especially during a time where not only around the nation and state but here in our community we are facing significant workforce shortages.  With that we have seen our hospitalizations for COVID-19 patients significantly increase over this last month,”  Vergos told WFDL news.   With the dramatic increases in COVID hospitalizations all three Agnesian HealthCare hospitals in Fond du Lac County have implemented visitor restrictions designed to limit exposure to keep patients, caregivers and providers safe.  There are currently 11 people hospitalized in Fond du Lac County with COVID-19.   Five people died last week in Fond du Lac County from the virus.   There were more than 100 new positive COVID cases reported Thursday.

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